How TO Start playing Puzzles & Survival
How TO Start playing Puzzles & Survival

1) Decide on which troop type you want to be specialized                            

(there are four types: Shooter, Fighter, Rider and Vehicles)

Ø Riders:

• they are strong against Fighter but weak against Shooter

• they have it easier in lairs

• they have the fastest movement speed

• actual are the most in game specialized into riders

Ø Fighters:

• they are strong against Shooter but weak against Rider

• they are good in ruins

Ø Shooters:

• they are strong against Rider but weak against Fighter

• they have it easier in Nukaland and in the Pit since the most in

game are specialized into Riders

Ø Vehicles:

• they can carry a lot more then others

• they are not strong

• they are a good meatshield if you have a lot t1 taxis

• they have the slowest movement speed

*Now you know more about the types take care to skill the troop you decide to go for mainly and just go for others if its needed to get forward. Heroes are also specialized into different types:

2)  Since we already now started about heroes, above you see in which they are specialized to… here will follow some more informations:

Ø Heroes can be used for different stuff like in Arena, Ultimative Challenge, Alliance Trials, Ultimative Trials, Alliance Conquest to fight with (Hero Skills) or at your marches to make your troops stronger (Hero Troop Skills)or just upgrade them to use their passive skills like troop size increasing. 5-Star heroes can carry nano weapons after they reach a needed level (more about nano weapons on a different point)

Ø Hero skills overview:

Ø Hero icons which appears during fights on the heroes explaination:

3) Headquarter and the Buildings:

You need to upgrade your Headquarter to be able to upgrade your Buildings. With getting forward to upgrade your Headquarter and your Buildings you will be able to unlock more and more useful stuff like Nanoweapons, more Campaign Levels, higher tiers for your troops etc.

Buildings which you can upgrade:

Ø Headquarter: is the main building. With upgrading the Headquarter also your troop size and infirmary cap increases. At the top on the right side you have those round button with a scale, its a button to see Sanctuary Overview, where you have a little information about ressources and defense of your Headquarter. The yellow button left beside the Sanctuary Overview icon you have a button to see your Decoration(Decorations gives you small stars which can level your Decoration Star Level, more about it on another point). Above those two icons you have an exclamation mark, if you click on it you see an overview what which Hq Level changes.

Ø Useful is to have a lot Infirmaries and Bootcamps on max level

Ø You should have at least one Food Farm, because you will get back the food your troops have eaten by clicking on it, also at least one of Gas Field, Steel Plant and Lumber Mill should be there

Ø Its not smart to rush headquarter upgrades, have patience that your skill is good enough to upgrade before you make one of the important upgrades which also allows you to produce the next t-units… If not you will have hard Nukalands for example.

Ø Rider Camp, Shooter Camp, Fighter Camp, Vehicle Depot// if you upgrade them you will be able to train higher tier units

Ø Wall: is needed for each headquarter upgrade

– Defense Info: there you can put in 5 heroes for your troops. If those heroes are send out there will get other random heroes to protect the wall. On the right side at the bottom you can switch the formation, in case you already researched other formations except fighter. The green number right side on the middle shows you how many troops counts as defenders for your headquarter and how many you can max have to protect. The green letters calls “ Boost Details “ you can see which boosts your defense has active

– Repair Wall: if you got attacked your wall can get damaged, worst case is when your headquarter is burning. At Repair Wall you can repair step by step your wall.

Ø Watch Tower: it shows informations about troops approaching your sanctuary. You can see different tabs which shows you informations. When you click on the exclamation mark on the top right side you get informations what changes with which upgrade the Watch Tower.

Ø Research Lab: When you tab on it you see four icons showing up which calls Upgrade, Nova, Bioenhancer, and Research

-Upgrade: You have a little Overview what an upgrade would change, at the exclamation mark on the top right side you get more in Detail and for all Upgrades shown the differences


Bioenhancer: here you can equip organs which effects differently your skills, also in way of which colour and how high level and upgrade is

· Brain gives you Rider DEF, Fighter ATK and Troop HP

· Heart gives you Shooter DEF, Rider ATK and Troop HP

· Lung gives you Fighter DEF, Shooter ATK and Troop HP

· Blood Vessel gives you Shooter HP, Fighter ATK and Troop DEF

· Eye gives you Fighter HP, Rider ATK and Troop DEF

· Muscle gives you Rider HP, Shooter ATK and Troop DEF

· Nerve gives you Troop HP, Troop DEF and Troop ATK

· Skeleton gives you Troop HP, Troop DEF and Troop ATK

*Take care to prior on what helps you to increase the skills of what you decided to be specialized in

Research: here you can research with Bioenhance Scheme to get  random stuff (watch following picture)

· At the Gallery Icon you can see an Overview about the Organ and their boosts, at the Bioenhancer Icon you get back to your own equiped Bioenhancers. You can research 1 to 1 with the Schemes or you use 9 Schemes to open 10. If you gather 270 Schemes you can claim all 300 opening rewards on the top.

· With a Cooldown of 24hours you have one research for free

Ø Alliance Hall: here you can see if someone has send you reinforcement, you also can send them back home, if you dont want that reinforcement. The yellow number in the middle shows the max amount of troops which can send to you to reinforce you. Also when you click on the right tab at the bottom you can reinforce another alliance member.

At the exclamation mark on the right side at the top you can see what changes will effect which upgrade of your alliance hall.

Ø Warehouse: At the Warehouse you can have a look what is under your warehouse capacity. Everything over your Warehouse capacity can get stolen by attacks on your sanctuary. The exclamation mark on the top right corner will show you how upgrades of that building effects that.

Ø Trap Factory: here you can build up traps. They dont have a lot effect other then that you get daily points for them.

Ø Supply Depot: at this building you can get some ressources. At the exclamation mark top right corner you see how upgrades of the building will effect the free Attempts. After using all free Attempts you will get Ressources by spending Diamonds.

Ø Trading Post: This building allows you to share your ressources with your allies. Depending on the level of this building you need to pay taxes. When you click on the exclamation mark on the top right corner you see which level costs how many taxes in percent.

Ø Research Center: here you can research different sorts to increase your stats for economy and military. Also you can research different formations which will effect how your troops and rallies attacks. Researches costs ressources, the higher you get in the research trees, the higher the ressources costs.

Ø Gear Factory: here you have tabs about gear, chip, module, nanoweapon and cube. On the exclamation mark on the top right corner you can see what effect which upgrade of the building will have. More to the tabs later.

Ø Hall of War: At this building you have four banners which calls “Join Rally Attck“, “Reinforce Allies“, “Troop Form. Set“ and “Formation Preview“. You can see also your actual Rally size. At the exclamation mark top o the right corner you can like always see how which upgrade will affect.

-Join Rally Attack: Here you can see running Rallys and join them or send reinforcement to allies which are under attack.

-Reinforce Allies: Here you have the same tabs like at Join Rally Attack.

-Troop Form. Set: At this tab you are able, depending on your ViP level, to create some Formation Sets to chose faster what to send out.

-Formation Preview: here you can see which effect the Formations rider, fighter and shooter have.

How to reduce costs/time while upgrading?

– Activate Economy Talents at Commander Info -> Talent

– Activate Fast Build at the Talentbook -> Commander Skill

– If you decide to spend real money into the game buy a builder and a research gear

~All these named Buildings have glory levels which you can upgrade. Take care to level smart, you can NOT reset used glory. Pay attention to level prior your chosen specialized types.

Buildings which you cant upgrade:

Ø Parade Ground: here you have an overview about all your troops and traps.

Ø Mystery Shop: here you can switch ressources with other ressources or speed ups. You can lock stuff with, if you want to exchange it later. Shop refreshes each 3 hours.

Ø Bank: You have two icons to chose, Deposit or Auction House.

– Deposit: you can make deposits here

– Auction House: Here you can take part on auctions where you need to pay with diamonds (statewide and gamewide)

Ø SWP Lab: here you can see the different SWP Weapons from your state and who owns them, if no one owns them you can see what you need to do to get them. Carefully: if someone is in another state because of valiant war for example the SWP Weapon could get shown wrong free. To switch weapon you need to win a battle (also works on camps or tiles) but it not for sure drops on first hit, it can be needed a lot hits.

Ø Radio: this building you can get nice stuff by answering questions

Ø Noahs Taverne: here you can exchange noah tavern coins to have a chance to get hero fragments.


Ø Ruins: you can clear stages here depending on how good you are skilled on the points which are needed. On the ruin shop you can then exchange coins which you get for the stages against nice stuff like varvara (she increases your troop size)


Ø Pit: In the Pit you find a Rare Earth Field with different levels. When you fight and pass the monsters of the levels you can join the level and gather rare earth on a tile. The levels have different amount of pages with tiles. If the tiles are taken you see skulls, those with stripes are having bigger troop size then you, those without similar to you. If you win the battle about a tile and you were the attacker you will steal some of the already gathered rare earth the defender already gathered. Rare earth you can exchange in rare earth shop against useful stuff like McCarthy (drops down stamina costs) or module stuff and other useful things.

Ø Campaign: Here you can win battles with your heroes and get forward the more you beat. The rewards are books which you can use for upgrading your heroes. With ViP Level 5 you can Skip Battles with using Blitz you get them from dailies. Also will you find here the Ultimate Challenge where you similar to the Campaign can move higher to get nice stuff like enhancements, diamonds and also ironclaw. And you find there the Prison Trial which has 10 stages to clean. You can clean 2 stages per try. After cleaning stage 10 you can use blitz to skip battles except the boss battles. Prison has a reset of 3 days from reset to reset. You can get syringes which makes you stronger, they will disappear after the prison will be reset. You will get prison coins, shards for organs, organ stimulants and with luck maybe a full organ. You need 100 shards to complete one organ. In the shop where you can exchange the prison coins you can buy stuff like shards. After completing stage 10 of prision you can skip fights till the end boss with Blitz.

Ø Arena: Here you can fight with your heroes against the hero set up of other gamers. If you reach top 1000 rank you will be able to participate in the hero duell glory. From time to time there shows a third form where you can fight with your troops. All three sorts of arena has their own coins and own shop where you can buy useful stuff.

Ø Wasteland Conquest: thats an event which shows up everynfew months and where different states can fight on an own wasteland map for the hub and turrets. It has also his own coins and shop and you get nice stuff for getting points.

Ø Notice Board: here you find useful informations about patches, you can get in contact with ingame mods and much more, feel free to check it out by your own J

4) Commander Skills

Ø You can get Commander Skills when you take care about your Talent tree in your Commander Info. To get skill points for your Talent tree you need to level your Commander (the best ist with Destroyer on Sunday). When you level your ViP Points you get more Talent Pages and you can reset your Talent tree for free on ViP Level 10. Its definetly worth to start early on leveling ViP Levels to have fast the levels reached for it.

Ø Skill explaination:


*Recall: when you activate that skill all the marches you have send out will be back home within 3 seconds. That skill has a cooldown of 8 hours.

Useful for example:

– During Showdown after using swift gatherer

– If you are under attack to port away


*Mega March: March Cap +10% for 30mins. That skill has a cooldown of 12 hours.

Useful for example:

– Destroyer

– Reservoir War/Alliance Clash

– Sonic Decoy


*First Aid: Converts 30% of casualities into wounded units until infirmary cap is reached. That skill has a cooldown of 24 hours.

Useful for example if you expect high casualities:

– When a turret or the hub gets a superrally during wasteland war/ bevor attacking hub or turrets

– When you are in any fight where your Headquarter/your Troops gets attacked and could die


*Fast Producer: Instantly gathers ressources from your ressource buildings (5-hr output).

That skill has a cooldown of 12 hours.

So you can activate it twice per day just to have a bit more ressources.


*Fast Build: Reduces building and research time initiated within the following 5 minutes by 20%. It has a cooldown of 24 hours.

Useful for example:

– Before you start an upgrade

– At Showdown if you have a quest for building or research

– At ace commander build and research day

– Any other event with building or research


*Swift Gatherer: Allows your gathering troops to instantly gather max ressources according to their max load. Not applicate to alliance ressource spots and diamond mines. It has a cooldown of 24 hours.

Useful for example:

– Showdown gathering quests

– Non ace week gathering Tuesday

– Ace week Monday


*Hunt Mastery: Reduces Stamina cost for hunting zombies by 20% for a duration of 10 minutes. It has a cooldown of 24 hours.

Useful for example:

– Holiday events where you get stuff to exchange for lairs

– Showdown lair quests


*Cost Red.: Reduces training and healing ressource cost by 25% for 60 minutes. It has a cooldown of 24 hours.

Useful for example:

– When you have a big amount of troops in infirmary and plan to heal them

– When you train a lot troops for showdown quests, ace commander or any other event


* Instant Heal: Heals 10% of infirmary wounded units for free. It has a cooldown of 24 hours.

Useful for example:

– When you have a big amount of troops in infirmary

5) Decoration Level:

The Decoration Level you can see at your Commander Info at gear page on the top right under the icon for refinement.

To level it you need to gather skins for HQ, March, Nameplate and Ambience. You can get those decorations for your HQ as rewards on Holiday Events or other Events and sometimes also in the Mall. They have different amount of stars which gets added to your Decoration Level. Only permanent skins count.





6) Ressources:

You need Ressources for building and upgrade, for research, to heal wounded units and to train units.

How to get Ressources?

– Gathering on Map

– Building Farms for food, wood, gas and steel in HQ

– As rewards on events

– In Mall for real money

– Exchange Diamonds for Rss

– Supply Depot

– Alliance Mill

7) Commander Info:


*War Set, Builder Set and Research Set (War Set you can buy in Alliance Shop, Builder Set and Research Set you need to buy for real money in the Mall, there you also find stuff to level the Sets.)


*On the line where you find your name you can change it with a name changer or with diamonds


*Green line shows the EXP of your Commander, the yellow line shows the stamina and the blue line the AP.

*Under those lines you can see left your might and right the troops you killed


*On the bottom you have a few tabs which shows you your talent tree, an overview about your Cmdr Record, Info about your boosts, informations about your alliance in case you joined one and achievement progress


* On the top you have tabs for gear, chips, modules and cubes. Please take care to level them with focus on the specializing you decided to go with. If you not plan to spend a car or two into the game focus on one troop and maybe light on a second. Refinements which get shown top light right side levels your troop stats. Cubes you have all specializing and ist worth to level them balanced instead of the others. For leveling you need enhance material which you get in events, shops or mall for real money, also the promoters you need for upgrading the stars you get same way. Refinement material you can buy with diamonds or also get in events as rewards. After reaching 8 star material you can modificate them. For gear you need to lock stuff you like or it will disappear next round. Cubes, gear and chips you dont need to lock anything.

*On the top right side you have a scale button showing you the stats of gear, cube, module and chips.

8) Bottom buttons:

On the bottom of the screen you have a few tabs. The World/ Home button you can switch between Sanctuary view and Map view, hero button you can see an overview about your heroes, an overview about the not obtained heroes, hero fragments you have in your bag and nanoweapons. Then you have a button for quests where you see the main quests and daily quests, you bag with all your unopend stuff, a mail button where you will get player mails, alliance mail, system messages, battle logs and much more. You also have their a tab where you get an overview about your alliance and a button for more where you will be able to get into settings and stuff.


9) Alliances:

Ø To join alliances will benefit the gameplay for sure. To decide which alliance is the right one you should think about how active you want to play the game and what you expect from it.


– Alliances have tech trees which add different bonus stuff (to open the bonus stuff you need to spend into alliance tech -> with spending you also get alliance coins)

– Boxes you get when allies buy stuff in the mall

– Helping hands option, it will make your build and researching faster and you will get points for dailies and alliance coins.

– Alliance Shop where you can buy useful stuff

– People who can give advices and help you

– People where you can run lairs with

– Alliance events which gives you a lot nice stuff

10) Quests:

Ø Main Quest: there you have different quests to do like training x amount of shooters etc.

Ø Daily Quests: here you can do daily the same quests each day again. You get for each quests between 5 – 20 points. If you reach a special amount of points you get boxes.

Ø Alliance Activity: there the daily members activity will get calculated together into alliance activity points and get boxes for the alliance, which the t5 or diplomate is able to share once in a week.

11) Lairs/Zombies on Map:

Ø You can hunt lairs in rallies or zombies solo on map to get nice stuff. You need to use stamina for them.



12) Nanoweapons:

Ø You can craft nanoweapons at Gear Factory after you reached the needed level for it. You have colours between green the lowest to blue, purple, gold and then to red the highest tier. There are weapons which are exclusive for a special hero and you can also get Radars which fits for all champions and can get equiped to all. High radars are lower then low exclusive weapons. To activate nanoweapon skills its enough to equip them (works passive).


13) Events:

There is an Event Center, where you can see actual events, holiday events and upcoming events. In the following you find some useful sheets and hints for events.







Defense of the Alliance

(Event R5s, Recruiter or Diplomate can start)

Event with zombies which appears in yellow circles.

*Here you need to run to the zombies which appears in yellow circles. It is enough to send troops, you dont need to hit to get rewards/ each march will need 30 seconds doesnt matter of the distance.


☆ Check if you activated the right talents (military tree)

☆ Fix your camera to not have a jumping screen and make an cross at select sanctuary when overlapped with troops, so you can still click on it even if the marches of others overlapping it (where to find: more – settings – options – Map Adjustment)

☆ Activate attack boost and Mega March

☆ Use recall when all troops arrived if time get short to be able to send them again out

☆ Activate war frenzy (you get it when you scout another sanctuary which is not in your alliance)// But CAREFULLY: Dont accidentally break NAP rules of your state!

Dead Rising

(Event R5s, Recruiter or Diplomate can start)

Event with moving zombies.

☆ activate defense boost

☆ Check your talents (military tree)

☆ heal your troops (you can use also the heal talent after wave 17 -> mutant zombie)

☆ click on help button to help others with heals

☆ look at the reports and check if you have won all waves, if not ask for help

☆ reinforce weaker player, but dont overreinforce them, or they will not get points

☆ Activate war frenzy (you get it when you scout another sanctuary which is not in your alliance)// But CAREFULLY: Dont accidentally break NAP rules of your state!

☆ wave 10 and wave 20 are zombies which will attack your alliance fort

Ace Commander Hints

Monday: Ressources Gatherer

☆ send your marches gathering the day before Ace Monday short before reset, so they return after reset to monday

☆ send your troops before reset to monday in alliance mine

☆ gather in the pit (rare earth gives also points)

☆ activate gather boosts (you can get in diamond shop)

☆ use economy talents

☆ every 24h you can activate swift gatherer, important is that all marches arrived their target. IMPORTANT: do not work with gatherer in alliance mine, this talent only work for tiles to get directly finished, take care to send enough troops to gather the whole tile

* R5’s should take care, that alliance mine will not end before reset before event starts, before reset to tuesday someone should erase alliance mine to give all some more points. Also R5’s or officers should activate alliance skill for gathering

Tuesday: Path to Property

* Points with increase might with buildings and research

☆ activate economy talents -> commander info -> talents

☆ activate fast build in talent book

☆ activate boost for building or research, if you own some

☆ try to time building or research, that they will finish after reset to Ace tuesday (you dont need to use speed up for those, really good with hq upgrades )

Wednesday: Zombie Hunter

* Points for spending stamina or AP

☆ start a lvl 50 lair if you have stam but dont want to use them now (1h and just 1 troop)

☆ activate hunt mastery, if you plan to run more lairs

☆ activate bilance talents, if you have no stamina left

☆ AP you can buy x times (depending on your ViP Level, from lvl 13 on you have no cap for buying anymore)

* The hero McCarthy gives you cost reducing for lairs passive

Thursday: Soldier Trainer

*Points for using speed ups during training troops

☆ activate balance talents -> commandeur info -> talents

☆ activate cost red. talent in talent book

Friday: Improve Might

* Points for getting enhance material or for getting promoter

☆ dont open boxes for lairs between Ace Commander events

☆ dont open choice boxes with enhance material or promoters which you get for events

☆ try to go on in Ultimate Challenge

☆ watch the other events for that day, some has materials you need as rewards in their stages

☆ Ruin Shop you can buy chip stuff

☆ Rare Earth Shop you can buy module stuff

☆ Alliance Shop you can buy gear enhancement

☆ Diamond Shop has some enhancement stuff as well

☆ also the event shops and stuff have enhancements or promoters

Saturday: Advancement

* Points for using coins in Noah’s taverne, with getting modification materials or with bioenhancer research

☆ Modifcations you can get from Ruin Shop (at stage 800 available//chip), Reservoir/Allianz Clash shop (gear), rewards events, Wasteland Conquest shop (choice boxes), Mall, Rare Earth Shop (module)

☆ Coins for Noah’s taverne you can get with making dailies, fox test and rewards from events

☆ you can get shards and stuff for bioenhancer at prison shop, with making prison trial stages (if you are lucky you will have Bards Shop with shards) and in bioenhancer research à or in Mall

Sunday: Ultimate Trial

* Points for increasing might in building, research and training

☆ for increasing might in building and research have a look at tuesday

☆ for increasing might in training have a look on thursday + activating training boost if you have some// wait for trainings boost and Fast Comeback if you participated on Wasteland King (it gives you 300% training speed for 120% of the losses you got during fights in turrets and hub à turret hit losses dont counts, deep healing troops counts)

Showdown Hints      

1. Personal Quests:

These are the quests you have right next to the accepted quests for 240 points, only yourself is seeing that, you can accept 5 of that per day. You can delete as much as you want per day to find those you wants to accept. They have a cooldown from 30 minutes like all others, if you delete them.

The following quests appear in random order:

• Get Heroes (1,000,000 pts)

• Troop Might Up (3,250,000 might)

(• actual not in rotation: Train Troops (500,000 troops))

• Speed Up Build/Research/Train (20 days)

• Gain Diamonds via Packs (18,000)

• Spend Diamonds (100,000)

• Tech Might Up (1,100,000 might)

• Purchase Pack (15 total)

2. Mystery Quests:

The other question mark quests for 150- 240 points where you get random quests. Take care it can be you get quests like to shop packages or to buy diamonds. Think twice if you want to spend real money before to accept

3. Gathering Quests:

These are quests were you get points up to 172 for gathering ressources.


• activate gathering boost (costs diamonds)

• check if you have the right talents (economy)

• use swift gatherer (only after all marches ARRIVED the tiles) and recall to dont need to wait too long for them being home again.

• set alarme on your phone when your troops should be back at home, so you can send them gathering again

Dont leave a tile unfinished, all tiles should be fully cleaned.

4. Transport Quests:

You can accept quests which will give up to 120 points for delivering ressources to any other member of your alliance, easy to do if you have a secondary in for example, but you can also ask if someone would send you ressources back if you send them for showdown quests to them.

5. Lair Quests:

With this quest you get easy points from i dont know up to 184 points. Its really fast possible to solve if you run some 6s lairs and ask other to help you with it. In case you have not so much stamina while accepting maybe activate hunt mastery talent and when you wait for the stamina to get back activate balance talents in your talent tree.

6. Alliance Coins Quests:

Easy quest in case you collect your alliance coins and just spend them for showdown. (Just donate daily in alliance tech, click the help button and participate in alliance events to get them)

You need 60.000 – 800.000 coins for that to spend in alliance shop and buy stuff there. You get up to 166 points for that.

7. Gear, Chip, Cube, Module Quests:

You need to get gear, chip, cube or module stuff and gets points for these quest (depends on which you accepted).


• Chip: gather ruin coins (you need to spend twice full in chip in ruin or 1 times ruins and about 20+ high boxes.

• Gear: open boxes (round about 40+ high boxes) you can buy some stuff in alliance shop or with diamonds.

• Cube: you get daily for the dailies boxes for cubes. Take care you have in case also enough boxes to open.

• Modules: gather about 6mio rare earth and buy twice all module stuffs except module tiles.

Ultimative Challenges have materials as rewards

Maybe you have some events which has it as rewards, make the stages to get them

8. Troop Might Increase Quests:

If you accept that you can get points for the might adding by building troops.


• Check before, if you have enough ressources and speed ups (you get speed ups in ruins, alliance shop, by making events etc)

• Check talents ( use balance talent)

• activate cost reducing talent

9. Train Troops Quests:

Here you get points for training a number x of troops. Same hints like for point 8.

Special hint:

• you can just build t1s upgrade and then you can upgrade them for troop might increase à point 8))

10. Building Quests:

At this quest you get points for speed up building time on upgrading buildings.


• activate balance talents

• activate cost reducing talent

• check if you have enough ressources and speed ups

• if you demolish one farm and rebuild it then from 0- whatever it will cost not much ressources

11. Research Quests:

You can get points by making x researches or by speed up x hours of research.


• activate balance talents

• check if you have enough speed ups and ressources

12. Mystery Shop Quests:

With this quest you will get on easy points by buying stuff in mystery shop. Be aware that the shop has a refresh time from 3(?) hours and that you need to spend ressources, diamonds and real money to buy there.

13. Radio Quests:

At this quest you get points for answering the questions on the radio. Be aware that the cooldown to get new questions will get higher and higher with each question you accept so it can take some time to be done with it.

14.    Heroes Fragments Quests:

You get points for open hero fragments like the golden hero fragment cards or the coins for noahs taverne. The higher the heroes are in stars the more points you get.

15.      Helping Hands Quests:

At this quests you get points for clicking in help button. The best is to ask in alliance if someone can heal 1 by 1 the wounded troops for you. Also good to be prepared abd have a few thausend troops in hospital for others if they have this quest.

16.     Arena Quests:

Here you get points for fights in the arena. You dont need to win that fights.

17.     Consume AP/Stamina Quests:

AP: You get points to spend AP in campaign. The higher your ViP level is the more AP you can consume per day. ViP 13 you have no limit of AP using anymore. You can buy AP with diamonds if you have no refills left.

Stamina: You get points to spend stamina for zombies or lairs on map. You get refills in events, no possibility to get other then at events on stamina refill packs, only for real money. Take care you have enough cans before accept this quest. Use hunt mastery talent before starting spending the stamina. While you wait for new stamina use balance talents at you talent tree.

18.    Use Speedup Hours Quests:

Here you make points by speeding up in research, troops or buildings. Take care you have enough speed ups before accepting.


Have a look on points 8 – 11

•● To claim Rewards at Showdown you now need to reach an amount of points ●•

* Depending on the League your Alliance has the highest stage is different:

☆ Star League: to claim the stage 30 you need to make a total of 1.000 Points

☆ Elite League: to claim the stage 25 you need to make a total of 700 Points

☆ Veteran League: to claim the stage 20 you need to make a total of 450 Points

☆ Profi League: to claim the stage 15 you need to make a total of 290 Points

*When you click on the Box you see how much personal points you need to be able to claim the rewards (red coloured text over the rewards) also how much points the alliance needs to reach to open the possibility of claiming those rewards (yellow number under the stage number).

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